Digital Media & Design (Y12)
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Amy Renata.
Ākonga work in groups will propose, design, develop, and deliver a digital outcome (such as a multi-page website, computer program, podcast, video series, or art) that addresses a problem or opportunity relevant to society today.
Ākonga will investigate industry-standard tools and techniques relevant to their chosen domains, as well as learning to manage their time with project management tools, and relationships with collaboration tools. They will also evolve their written or spoken communication skills to target specific audiences.
This course prepares ākonga for Level 3 Digital Project Management and also embeds skills useful for Art Design, Media Studies, and career pathways in communications.
Ākonga who take Level 2 Software Engineering may also, and are encouraged to, take this course concurrently.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Description | Type | Value |
Curriculum Consumables | Voluntary | $20.00 |
$20.00 |
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
This course is approved for University Entrance.
Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko 2.1 - Conduct an inquiry to propose a digital technologies outcome
Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko 2.2 - Apply conventions to develop a design for a digital technologies outcome
Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko 2.4 - Use advanced techniques to develop a digital media outcome
Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko 2.8 - Use advanced processes to develop a digital technologies outcome
Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko 2.10 - Present a summary of developing a digital outcome