Design Technology (Y10)

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Amy Renata.

Ākonga will develop knowledge about materials as well as manual and digital material manipulation techniques and processes which are intrinsic to their application and use. This enables ākonga to create a wide range of outcomes in response to a need or opportunity.

Ākonga will develop an understanding of sustainable practices through research and application while learning to plan projects and develop specifications through design concepts and the use of briefs.

This course will encompass hands-on, creative learning that encourages ākonga to explore the three strands of the technology curriculum through the design and creation of fit-for-purpose outcomes. This prepares ākonga for Design Technology at NCEA Level 1 and leads pathways at university level in the areas of construction, engineering and industrial design.  

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Description Type Value
Curriculum Consumables Voluntary $150.00
