Literacy & Numeracy Guide

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What is the Literacy/Numeracy Co-Requisite?

  • One of the new reforms to NCEA is the introduction of the Literacy & Numeracy Co-Requisite.
  • The purpose is to ensure students with an NCEA have functional literacy and numeracy skills that will ready them to transition into tertiary education or the workplace.
  • Learners will need to achieve a 20-credit co-requisite using the new literacy and numeracy from 2024
  • Any students who has already achieved L1 Literacy and L1 Numeracy prior to 2024 will not need to complete this new co-requisite.
160Literacy (Reading)5
260Literacy (Writing)5

  • Learners will not be awarded an NCEA Level 1, 2 or 3 without having completed the co-requisite
The Literacy Co-Requisite

  • NCEA Literacy supports ākonga to develop a level of literacy knowledge and skills to engage successfully with all the learning areas of the New Zealand Curriculum, as well as learning in non-school settings.
  • NCEA Literacy covers foundational literacy.
  • There are two standards (5 credits each)
    • US32403: Read written texts to understand ideas and information
    • US32405: Write texts to communicate ideas and information.
The Numeracy Co-Requisite

  • Numeracy is a foundational skill that enables access to further learning, develops important life skills, and allows people to fully engage in work and in their communities..
  • The Numeracy standard requires ākonga to master the mathematics and statistics content ideas at Level 4 of the New Zealand Curriculum AND interweave these content ideas with mathematical and statistical process ideas.
  • There is one standard (10 credits)
    • US32406: Use mathematics and statistics to meet the numeracy demands of a range of situations
How is the Co-Requisite Assessed?

  • The co-requisites are assessed DIGITALLY, in an exam-type format called a Common Assessment Activity (CAA)
  • There are three separate CAA's (Numeracy, Reading & Writing)
  • They are sat by students in either Term 2 or Term 4
  • The co-requisites are sat at school during the year, but marked by NZQA.
  • They are an EXTERNAL assessment
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