NCEA Guide

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What is NCEA?
  • Each year, students study a number of courses or subjects. (E.g. Level 1 Maths)
  • In each subject, skills and knowledge are taught according to topics, and assessed against a number of standards. For example, a Mathematics standard could be:
    • E.g. Apply geometric reasoning in solving problems
  • Schools use a range of internal and external assessments to measure how well students meet these standards.
  • When a student achieves a standard, they gain the number of credits.
  • Students must achieve a certain number of credits to gain an NCEA Level 1, 2 or 3 certificate.
  • The above diagram shows how five subjects (English, Math, Science, Music & History)
  • Are divided up into four different topics/standards
  • Each standard is worth 5 credits
  • There are two internal assessments and two external assessments per subject (maximum)

 External5 Credits

How Many Credits Do I Need?

160Literacy (Reading)5
260Literacy (Writing)5
  • NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3 are 60-credit qualifications
  • The Literacy/Numeracy Co-Requisite sits alongside the NCEA qualification
  • Learners will only be awarded an NCEA qualification once they have met the 20-credit co-requisite
  • Learners need to complete the co-requisite only once.
What are Standards?
  • For each topic that a student studies, they will complete the learning and then sit an assessment – the assessment is based on a standard
  • Each standard describes what a student needs to know, or what they must be able to achieve, in order to meet the standard
  • Each standard has a defined credit value. (based on difficulty, time required to learn master knowledge/skills etc.
  • As students study new topics, their teachers will explain what will be assessed and how. Teachers ensure that students are prepared for assessment.
  • Assessments measure what a student knows or can do against the criteria of a standard
Level 1 Mathematics (2024)
Standard No.Standard TitleCredits
1.1Explore data using a statistical enquiry process5
1.2Use mathematical methods to explore problems that relate to life in Aotearoa New Zealand or the Pacific5
1.3Interpret and apply mathematical and statistical information in context5
1.4Demonstrate mathematical reasoning5

Are there Different Types of Standards?
  • YES!
  • Achievement standards are curriculum based
  • Unit standards are competency based
  • Achievement Standards
    • Majority of standards offered at Onslow through typical subjects (English, Math etc.)
    • Not Achieved, Achieved, Merit, Excellence
  • Unit Standards
    • Vocational and workplace-based standards offered through Gateway, Trades Academy
    • Numeracy and Literacy standards
    • Not Achieved or Achieved
How is a Standard Graded?
  • The grades that a student can earn depend on the type of standard being assessed.
  • For unit standards all grades may be available, but usually there are just two grades:
    • Achieved (A) for meeting the criteria of the standard
    • Not achieved (N) if a student does not meet the criteria of the standard
  • For achievement standards, there are four grades:
    • Achieved (A) for a satisfactory performance
    • Merit (M) for very good performance
    • Excellence (E) for outstanding performance
    • Not achieved (N) if students do not meet the criteria of the standard
1.1 Explore data using a statistical enquiry process
Explore data using a statistical enquiry processExplore data using a statistical enquiry process with statistical justificationExplore data using a statistical enquiry process with statistical insight

(ACHIEVED) Explore data using a statistical enquiry process involves:

  • describing sources of variation in the data collection process
  • presenting the data using at least one appropriate visualisation
  • describing features of the data in context with reference to at least one appropriate visualisation.

(MERIT) Explore data using a statistical enquiry process with statistical justification involves:

  • connecting ideas within the statistical enquiry process to complete an investigation
  • justifying features of the data in context using visualisations and measures.

(EXCELLENCE) Explore data using a statistical enquiry process with statistical insight involves:

  • incorporating statistical and contextual knowledge in the completed investigation, including reflecting on the statistical enquiry process.

What are Internal & External Standards?
    • Assessment that requires practical performance, equipment or extended time
    • Assessed by classroom teacher with national moderation
    • Internal = Marked by Onslow College
    • Written/digital exams, Portfolios, Video Submissions, Timed Tests etc.
    • Assessed by an outside marker contracted by NZQA
    • External = Marked by NZQA
Level 1 Mathematics (2024)
Standard No.Standard TitleCreditsInternal/External
1.1Explore data using a statistical enquiry process5Internal
1.2Use mathematical methods to explore problems that relate to life in Aotearoa New Zealand or the Pacific5Internal
1.3Interpret and apply mathematical and statistical information in context5External
1.4Demonstrate mathematical reasoning5External

How Are Credits Awarded?
  • In the new NCEA (Level 1 2024, Level 2 2026, Level 3 2027 the number of credits per standard/assessment will be more consistent
  • For the current NCEA, the number of credits per standard vary
  • Typically, credit values range between 2 and 7 (Visual Art externals are the exception)
  • Most standards have a credit value of 3-4
  • Most subjects offer between 16 to 22 credits

  • NOTE: Regardless of if a student is awarded an Achieved, Merit or Excellence, they receive the same number of credits per standard
  • Certificate Endorsements (overall e.g. NCEA L1 with Excellence)
    • 50 credits at Merit or above (or) 50 credits at Excellence
    • Can be gained across more than one year

  • Course Endorsements (per subject e.g. L1 Maths with Excellence)
    • 14 credits at Merit or above (or) 14 credits at Excellence
    • Can only be gained in one calendar year
    • Must include at least 3 credits from an external
More Information

For further information please check out the Onslow College NCEA Information Evening Slideshow or email [email protected] or [email protected]